The New Dirk’s Works

This is something of an experiment.  Because the message board software we have used for the last decade and more is no longer supported and is starting to break down, a change was required.  So, since I was updating the site anyway, I decided to recreate “Dirk’s Works” as a WordPress-powered blog. 

It will work very similarly to the message board software, with threads started by an original post and following comments.  Because this is a different format the controls will be different, and we will not have all the features the old software gave us (which is regrettable, but unavoidable), but the conversational, message-board thread format will still be there.

And don’t worry, we’re not losing all that wonderful information that’s accumulated in the old message board, it’s still available to read at the link in the menu, and you can link to any conversation there that you want to continue in the new format.

As with the old, anyone can read it, but membership is required to post, and your first post must be approved manually, by me (this is to cut down on spam).  Be sure to check your spam folder after you register, too, if you don’t receive the confirmation email right away.

The same rules apply, too: keep personal beefs off the boards, no doxing, keep the negativity to a minimum…  In other words, be a responsible adult.  If you need a refresher on the rules, check them out on the old boards.

One response...

By “be a responsible adult,” you just mean online, right? Because there’s a limit to how well I can pretend to have my life together. 😉

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