Welcome to Dirk Benedict Central – the only OFFICIAL website for news and information about Dirk Benedict.  Learn where and when he will next appear, any upcoming projects, etc.

We also talk about his many roles (including Starbuck and the Faceman), about Macrobiotics – basically all things Dirk Benedict, and more; we are a community of friends, people who initially came together to celebrate Dirk, his career, and his books, but who discovered that we have much more in common.

So if you’d like to join us on our members-only forum (Dirk’s Works), or just want to see what’s coming up for Dirk, take a look back at his previous work, or any combination thereof, we bid you a warm welcome and hope you enjoy, and come back often!

John Pickard, Webmaster

“There is a divine moment in our lives when we become One. It is called pro-creation and it is reborn continually and forever in the future we call children.
They are our destiny and we are theirs. The extent to which we fail as parents… we fail as God’s Children.”

Dirk Benedict
Actor, Author, Director, Woodchopper, Dad